Friday, October 22, 2010

Quiet But Busy

October has been such a busy month. It's kept me a bit quiet on my three blogs...quiet but busy! I normally post more often than this but I've squeezed in a few days of stripping my old Thomas Edison 'Little Folks Furniture' dresser, circa 1930's. A favorite era-the 20's, 30's and early 40's. All my hard labor in stripping away decades of paint is eased with a little Al Bowlly playing in my head. At the moment, 'The Very Thought of You' is on constant rotation :)

What's left of the Edison 'Little Folks Furniture' label on the dresser...
 The door and drawers in it's last color; black....
 Getting down through the last layers of time...
to it's beginning. Finally! Now...all I have to do is strip the drawers and the door, have a new wood handle made for the door to match the drawers' handles (original is missing), buy new hinges and door closure hardware that match the originals, that are in unusable condition, then sand, then, not really done ;)

I've also been working long hours on geneology projects...
 My German-Austrian and British roots.
My family, in California in the 1920's
Also, planning a garden in the side yard for upcoming spring. Big plans for a little area! Raised beds, surrounded (hopefully) by grass, rain/snow collecting barrels at the far end (where the hideous chain link resides) and hopefully a clothes line! No need to use the gas dryer, no need to waste water while watering my veggies and fruits and no need to depend on the grocery stores toxic, over-priced produce! Whew! Big project :)

Then there are my daily walks with my friend, we'll call 'Mrs. Becks' ...

Page from 'I Spy'

All the while, trying to get the work ball rolling. It's hard to get the ball rolling when it isn't in your court anymore...just waiting on someone else...

And still find time to do 'fun stuff', silliness that I enjoy....mainly decorating.
One of the sheds

 Green Man and acorns...

Autumn-gray sky, reflected in the cherubs birdbath...

And I'm never far from my true Moon, my Luna; always has been and always will be the most beautiful vision I have ever been blessed to see.

 Luna rising over the pines at Willow Cottage on a crisp Autumn night, with the scent of a wood-burning fire in the the clouds pass over her.
Mabon Blessings, friends...
Oh! And don't forget to feed the birds :)

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