Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blessed Mabon

"Listen! The wind is rising and
the air is wild with leaves.
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!"
~Humbert Wolfe
(a favorite)
Apples, Apple Pies,
Corn Stalks, Hay, Straw, Grapevine Wreaths
Ornamental Corn, Corn Bread, Corn Chowder,
Gourds and Pumpkins...
All things to show your joy for Mabon!
"There is nothing in the world more peaceful
than apple leaves with an early moon."
~Alice Meynell
A blessed Mabon is wished to you, friend. Enjoy this season with magick, love and wonder.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the Clint Eastwood film "The Bridges of Maddison county", what a lovely blog Rhiannon
